Two of my favorite actors joined again for a comedy + thriller movie. Even though it is instantly streaming ready on Appl TV+, I had to go to the movie theater not only to enjoy the big screen but to show my respect to them, even when I had to watch it alone since my hubby’s best buddy was visiting and they headed off for non-stop weekend golfing bromance excursions.
Nor did I mind being the lone wolf or more precisely the lone she-wolf sitting in a deserted Cinemark theater to show my respect to these two golden men. There were only another two happy couples shared with me in this room with a capacity of over a hundred seats, popcorn-crunching, and Pepsi-slurping.
I was grateful for their loud accompaniment. These days movie theaters are so sad and spooky feel. Every time, whenever I had to go on my own, I always chose to sit at the center of the last row with my back against a solid wall so that the corner of my eyes could scan the entire room in case scary things occurred I could spot immediately and run for my life.
The older you get, the more you realize that our civilization has not evolved this fast without some significant sacrifices and trade-offs, spiritually and physically like the manually woven silk textiles and chivalry. Now let me add yet another loss, the movie-going to that long list of bygone goodies.
I enjoyed the movie tremendously. I related to these two men not only because we are the same generation but also because they were the late boomers type that only reached their stardom after I came to North America. In other words, we grew up (old) together.
They also are part of these beautiful people who become even more handsome as years go by. Usually, men have better luck in this aging handsomely game. The only exceptions are some French women. So far I still could not put my fingers on what exactly these willowy French women have done to make our eyes tolerate their gray hair, their wrinkled faces, and the deep and fine lines around their eyes or necks, while we could not stand similar things to many other Hollywood actresses of the same age. Perhaps you never spot any fakeness in them and they aged with grace and allure like these two handsome people did.
Pit and Clooney are two golden boys who aged with wisdom and self-deprecation humor. Their performance was relaxed and gracefully elegant. They played two lone-wolf types of fixers who had seen better days but still kept their cool knowing their days on the job started counting and their imminent cruel deaths sooner or later due to their special line of work.
Serious movies never hold the appeal to me as purely sharp entertaining ones like this movie. The plot was less important than the at-the-moment smart dialogues and banters of these two of my lifelong acquaintances on screen.
I love the ending especially. Who cares what would happen next when they opened fire to the screen towards the approaching FBI or mafia crowd when the movie ended abruptly? They had their best glorious past and they were too beautiful to die old and frail.