In the Mood of 2020

In Chinese sexagenary, the year 2020 is the beginning of the 60 years cycle of Stems-and-Branches in reckoning time in Chinese culture.

It has a name: 庚子 (geng-zi)

Usually, the oldest member of the family would recall how it had always been a year full of turmoil and disasters as long as it could be traced back in hundreds of years.

We usually brushed it off, went back to continue our self-invented games in the courtyard of our apartment buildings, played running around, as usual, letting the old old grandma or old great-great-grandpa mumbling on their own. Their wrinkled faces twitched with pain and eyes faded into the distant past.

We overheard them spit out a string of cursed words: 庚子年啊!(that damn year of geng-zi!)

Now it’s our turn.

P Chang
1 min
9 cards

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